I'll stay judgment till I hear the other side. 我要延缓判断直到我听完另一方的说词。
Due to the impossibility of applying the substantive provisions, it is necessary to find some other resolution, such as stay of judgment, mediation, special provisions and burden of proof, etc. 由于此种状态无法直接适用实体法律规范得出裁判,因此,需寻找其他的处置方法,如搁置判决、调解、法律规范的特别安排、证明责任等。
As long as we stay open and fluid, we can trust that we have not fallen prey to the trap of judgment. 只要我们保持开放和灵活的态度,我们就可以相信我们没有落入评判的陷阱。
But stay with me, and let me present the historical evidence before you make a final judgment. 不过,听我往下说,让我先摆出史实,你再作最后的判断。